Andrew Sutherland - Composer/ Sound Designer

I’m a maker at heart, whether it’s crafting music, designing soundscapes, developing game ideas, building fences, I just love making things. As a professional musician, audio engineer, composer, and high school band conductor, I’m lucky enough to get to do that often. I'm passionate about creating catchy music that resonates with people and that is also innovative. Based in Edmonton, I love working with others to bring ideas to life and solve problems. Outside of music, I’m into gaming (especially RPGs and MOBAs), game design, horror short stories, cooking, and constantly learning new skills—currently diving into Python. I’m also a big fan of the Edmonton Oilers and treasure hunting shows.
Quick Facts:
Professional Roles: Musician, Audio Engineer, Composer, Concert/ Jazz Band Conductor
Passions: Music creation, (Symphonic, Metal, Synthwave, Chiptune, Folk, Tribal, Electronic etc.), problem solving, game design, learning new skills
Games I Love: The Witcher 3, God of War, Halo, Collector Card Games, RPGs, and MOBAs
Hobbies: Hockey, music (playing, writing, creating), creative writing, game design, cooking, painting
Gaming Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, GameCube, DS, N64
Current Skill Learning: Python programming